Nursing Research: January/February 2002 - Volume 51 - Issue 1 - pp 1-8
A Meta-Analysis of Fall Prevention Programs for the Elderly: How Effective Are They?
Hill-Westmoreland, Elizabeth E.; Soeken, Karen; Spellbring, Ann Marie
Background: Although fall prevention studies for the
elderly have been reported, there is a paucity of work summarizing the
effectiveness of these interventions.
Objectives: The research question that guided this
study was: What are the effects of fall prevention programs on the
proportion of falls in the elderly?
Method: Meta-analysis was employed to summarize
findings of intervention studies of fall prevention in the elderly
involving a comparison group and a quantifiable outcome. Studies were
reviewed by two of the authors with the eligibility criteria in mind.
Studies were then coded and an inter-rater reliability check was
Results: The overall mean weighted effect size for the 12 studies included in the meta-analysis was .0779 (Z = 5.03, p < .001). For fall prevention intervention types, exercise alone had a mean weighted effect size of .0220 (Z = .5303, p > .5), exercise and risk modification had a mean weighted effect size of .0687 (Z = 3.41, p < .001), and comprehensive risk assessment intervention studies had an effect size of .1231 (Z = 3.97, p < .001). The mean weighted effect size size for community-based studies was .0972 (Z = 5.37, p < .001) and for institution-based studies was .0237 (Z = .7822, p
= .22). Time to outcome measure analyses revealed that the mean
weighted effect size for studies measuring proportion of falls at 12
months was .0905 (Z = 5.43, p < .001), and those measuring at four months or less was -.0972 (Z = -.005, p > .50).
Conclusions: The results of this meta-analysis
indicate that there was a 4% decrease in the rate of falls for
individuals who were in the treatment groups receiving various fall
prevention interventions. Additional intervention studies need to be
conducted in the elderly population with a goal of preventing falls.
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In dieser o.g. Untersuchung scheint es allerdings etwa querbeet zu gehen - teilweise werden Interventionen verglichen, die sich eigentlich nicht vergleichen lassen, da sowohl der Aufbau wie auch die Intervention nicht unbedingt vergleichbar sind.
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